Today’s post is about a shocking statistic I just read in The Economist Magazine, that says that the proportion of 17 year-olds in the US who don’t read anything they don’t have to has DOUBLED between 1984 and 2004! It gets worse… HALF of adults admit not reading even one book, novel, short story, poem or play in the last 12 months.
That is absolutely shocking.
I can’t say this enough – go and check out my speed reading video program right now. It GUARANTEES that you will at least double your reading speed in less than 1 hour so that you can not only START reading more, but by reading MORE quickly, you’ll enjoy it MORE.
I have nothing else to say other than pick up a book and READ!
If you’re not reading as much as you know you should, get my Speed Reading Video program and give it a try for 8 weeks at my risk. That’s how convinced I am it will work for you.
I say this because I want you to have the GIFT of SPEED READING because it will change your life as you beging to explore and discover new thoughts, ideas and possibilities!
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