Wendell in the Philipines wants to know how he can improve his grades for the Bar Exam. Simple. BUY MY Study Book. It costs less than a textbook and is GUARANTEED to improve your grades. it’s filled with tips and techniques to get better grades ‘instantly’.
Why waste your time like your classmates? Why not get the shortcut to top grades at the Bar Exam?
Dr Dussault,
I’d like to ask if you could provide me tips on how to improve my study habits or shall I say to start establishing it. Im actually preparing for the Philippine bar examinations this coming September 2009. But I really don’t know how to set a study plan for my review. I must admit that do not have a good foundation in the four year of studies in law school. Could you provide me with materials and information that could help me go through it and be able to start my study review properly.
Everything you need is in my study book called Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort. It comes with a Speed Learning Video Program as a FREE BONUS.
If you really want to get good grades for your Bar Exam, you should learn to speed read – my Speed Reading Video Program guarantees you’ll double your reading speed in less than 2 hours.
Image all the time you’ll have to review, take notes and MEMORISE for your Bar Exam if you can Speed Read!
Dr. Dussault,
I have returned back to school after almost 20 years to become a Nurse. This has not been easy so I needed help and have both Speed Reading video and How to Get Better Grades book. I am still struggling to put all your tools into practice. It seems I am both visual and auditory learner. My toughest problem is reading the material first and then making the necessary notes. Hence the issue, speed reading. I have tried to speed read but feel I am not retaining anything I read. The Nursing information is very technical and new to me. I slow down to read the definitions and I also continue to read everything subconsciously. I know I should not still be doing this but I don’t know how to stop and get past this. Any suggestions?
After 20 years out of school, as a mature student, you need to give yourself time to adapt to new learning strategies. You also need to separate SPEED READING from note taking. One of the strategies that I explain in the program is that ONCE you’ve read as quickly as you can, you can then go back and highlight or take note of what’s important. If you DON’T SPEED READ, the reading part takes you 2, 3 or 4 times longer. Eventually, you’ll be able to determine WHAT you want to take down as notes. The best suggestion I have for you is GIVE IT TIME TO WORK FOR YOU. Don’t expect an ‘overnight’ miracle any more than stepping into the gym and expecting to be ‘fit’ after one session. Post another comment in a few weeks after you’ve had a chance to get comfortable with the process. The issue is you are trying to do A LOT at once – GOING BACK TO SCHOOL and learning to learn again… Stick with it – it only gets easier. Just like the gym – the first 3 weeks are the worst which is why most people never make it past the ‘crunch time’.