If you’re trying to cram for an exam or otherwise trying to get a lot of studying done or reviewing a lot of notes in a short period of time and losing focus, you might want to stare out the window – or even better, take a walk outside. Seriously, if there are trees out […]
Archive for the 'Exams' Category
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Taking notes is so 20th Century now that we’ve discovered the incredible power of Mind Mapping. Even though it’s been around for several decades, only a very select few use it to become ‘super learners’. The primary reason is that when asked, most people don’t think they are artistically gifted or talented. Therein lies the […]
Today’s post is quick and to the point because The Economist Magazine recently reported that 75% of student time is used for socialising, recreation and sleeping and only 7% for studying. It’s no mystery why so many students are struggling to get good grades. Stop reading this and get back to your books!!!!
This incredible video was sent to me by Ray Keefe of Successful Endeavours in Melbourne, Australia. What amazes me about it is how so much information can be captured in such a short period of time in such a compelling and dynamic way – its’ absolutely mesmerising don’t you think? It’s why my MindMapping course […]
I recently posted a funny blog post on sleep reading. This is a follow up to that… I couldn’t resist. I don’t want this blog to just be serious, I want you to have fun improving your grades, otherwise what’s the point?!?!
If you are studying for your SAT, LSAT or GMAT, here is the best advice I can give you. Step #1: Buy all the preparation material from the original standardized testing service / organisation. They want you to succeed and are going to be straight with you. Read it all and FOLLOW the recommendations. They […]
Today’a post is from Setimela in South Africa. Dr Marc Dusssault, I really appreciate the study and speed learning tips you are giving me but I have a problem losing concentration when writing a test and when doing my assignments. This results in me failing the test. This discourages me hence losing confidence. I am […]
There you are, preparing for your exam… looking back over your notes trying to understand what you’ve written. Trying to remember the words the lecturer said AND put into context the scribbles in your notebook. ARRRGGGHHHH!!!! It doesn’t have to be this way. There IS a better way to take notes that will help you […]
Today’s post is a testimonial from one of my clients who bought my study book, his name is Abel. Hi, Dr Dussault. All I can say is wow. I’m studying ACCA (online) but my main problem was lack of motivation to study. Like you explain in your study book, what was holding me back was […]
Here is another installment of top 10 lists to help you study smarter, study for exams or just develop better study skills. These lists are designed to give you direct access to valuable quick learning tip that you can pick and choose to use at your leisure. Top 10 Ways To Ace Your Next Exam […]
Whether you are a student struggling to learn or a teacher trying to help prepare your students, knowing HOW to develop good study skills by using the right study skills material will help you achieve your targets with outstanding outcomes. The following top 10 best study skills are hyperlinked to valuable resources that will help […]
I recently filmed a bonus video for people who buy my study book. It’s called “5 Minutes To Go From Panic To Passing Tomorrow’s Exam”. In fact, the introduction video is included at the end of this blog post. In the video, I explain strategies that make the most of the little bit of time […]
Today’s post is a YouTube video that answers the most popular questions people ask me about my study book. Get Better Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort
Today’s blog post is based on a comment from Ad Poi, he’s a little stressed because he has an exam in about 3 weeks. I recently filmed a video called “5 Minutes To Go From Panic To Passing Tomorrow’s Exam” which is now included as a bonus to my study book Get The Best Grades […]