Loise Roebeck wants to know how long it takes to get better grades – GREAT QUESTION! Of course you know the answer, but your might not know the SOLUTION to make that happen. Today’s post is what I suggest you do once you’ve bought my e-book.
Step #1 To Get Better Grades Faster
Do ALL the exercises in the e-book TODAY/TONIGHT. The longer you wait, the longer it will take. I know this sounds self-evident, but without the exercises, you have NO STARTING POINT.
Step #2 To Get Better Grades Faster
Learn to learn faster with the BONUS Video I include for FREE with my e-book, called the Speed Learning Video Program. Watch the video and get started with as many of the suggestions as you can with the HOMEWORK you have RIGHT NOW. If you are keen, GO BACK a week and re-do your notes and revision using these strategies RIGHT NOW.
Step #3 To Get Better Grades Faster
Learn to Speed Read TODAY/TONIGHT by buying my Speed Reading Video Program so you can double or triple your reading speed THIS WEEK instead of in 2-3 weeks or months from now.
I know you might think this is a sales pitch – but c’mon we’re NOT talking about HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS.
BOTH of these programs (three in fact – the e-book, Speed Learning Video and Speed Reading Video Programs) are LESS THAN THE COST OF A TEXTBOOK.
If the cost is holding you back, I have to be blunt – YOU CAN’T AFFORD to get better grades.
Sorry, go somewhere else and try to get ‘FREE’ stuff on the Internet and come back when you can afford my products.
Does it surprise you that I just said that?
I hope it does. Y’see I work with only the most committed students because they are the ones who’ve had enough and want a better way to study.
They want the same or better results than I’ve produced for myself – which are all documented on my product pages.
But let me tell you something – even though this solution and easy-to-follow system is available to anyone who has access to the Internet – only a select FEW ever step up.
People like Loise who wants to get it done as FAST AS POSSIBLE.
So do what I suggest in my e-book and programs, but do IT NOW.
I have to tell you a story about a motivational seminar I attended with a friend about 15 years ago. At the end of the seminar, I told her that the presenter mentioned 3 books that I had not read. So I proceeded to go buy them. My friend objected adamantly declaring “You can buy them tomorrow”.
No I can’t. I have to buy them NOW so that when I get home (at 9 PM), I can start to read them.
The sense of urgency I create for myself is higher than most people => I get results faster than most people.
Loise, just DO IT TODAY!
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