To get better grades in school, you need to be observant which means your power of focus and attention to detail need to be fined tuned. I came across these photos on the Internet and thought it a great way for you to test how many differences you can spot between the two photos. Leave me a comment with the total number you’ve found and we’ll see who is the most observant of all!
How Many Differences Can You Spot?
I’ve observed 13 differences
i ve observed 8 diffirences, hope all that
i see 10 differences
I saw 8. Fun activity. Are you going to reveal how many there really were?
10 differences – 0 in 1st row, 3 in 2nd row, 3 in 3rd row, 0 in 4th 5th rows, 2 in 6th row 1 in 7th row & one other.
I found 10 differences.
I saw 9 differences!!!
I found 11 differences
I had found 11 differences.
I found 11 differences
I found 11 differences
I found 8 differences.
Hehe i saw 10 differences. How did other people found more???
I found eight differences
I found 8 different changes
I found 8 differences. Kudos to people who found more differences.
I found 12 differences
I found 14 differences
I observed 14 differences.
1 sripes color
2 person gone
3 person gone
4 sweater color
5 no glasses
6 no glasses
7 writing hand changed.
I observed 8 differences
I found 15 differences
I’ve found 13 differences.
I found 14 differences.