We’ve all been through times in our lives when we’ve studied and studied for an exam and still bombed out, due to nerves, distractions or some other reason right?
Maybe you’re dreaming of becoming a respected academic, but history and human nature dictate that you will still make mistakes on your way to that dream. You need to accept that you are imperfect, and take advantage of those mistakes instead of letting them get you down.
It’s not in times of success that we cross analyse and study where we went wrong, but in our times of failure, so you could go as far as to say that, as human beings, we need some failure so we can move closer to our success.
A baby doesn’t give up on learning to walk, it tries over and over again until it succeeds no matter what it takes!
Adults however often tend to give something only a few tries before abandoning hope.
Learn from mistakes, don’t be discouraged by them; you will succeed by putting thought into your efforts, and that ability can only come with experience. So in a way, you achieve success simply by making enough mistakes.
The more time you spend berating yourself, the lower your self-esteem sinks, and the less motivated you feel to work to solve the problem; beating yourself up creates a vicious cycle that fixes nothing. The solution is to remember that you should be disappointed in yourself not for failure, but for letting failure convince you to give in.
I call this the Vortex Of Mediocrity™. Don’t let it suck you in.
It’s a force more powerful than gravity and it surrounds you ALL THE TIME.
If you adjust your mindset so that you see everything as a success, you will never be short of optimism. Even if you put all your effort into reviewing for a test and fail it , it is important to remember that regardless of your grade the exam will be a learning experience, you did your best, and as a result you will do even better next time.
This way you never fail or truly bomb, because you’re in a space that allows you to win, even if you don’t have the IMMEDIATE results you desire.
Create mental rules that ensure you always win. These rules will then regulate your path to success in whatever you do.
The times when you come undone mentally will be when you compare yourself to others who are better than you.
I’m here to tell you that there’s always someone, smarter, faster, more admired than you, but that doesn’t mean that you’re any less of any of that. You are you and unique in this world, the only competition you need to set is for yourself.
If you are dedicated to achieving a certain goal, you will find the way to attain it. Think back to an accomplishment that you recently strived for and had great success.
Did you doubt that you would succeed?
Isn’t it true, be honest, that in the past when you seem to have failed, it’s mostly because you didn’t really give it your all?
You have to understand that successes are only reflective of the amount of time and energy that you spend to achieve them. If you’re looking for someone to help you, but you lack the drive to help yourself, then you can expect that no successes will ever come your way.
Sometimes, even the most hard working people in the world can’t catch a break, but for them, that’s when persistence and determination come in. That is what defines real success. Like diamonds which have been formed from highly condensed carbon, true character and desired results come only from the way in which we strive to succeed under pressure.
Of course if you haven’t already done so, you could buy my study book and take the ‘easier way’ to “Get Better Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort“. Someone’s done all the hard yards for you.
Onward and upward!
Dr Marc Dussault
My book comes with a money-back guarantee – re-direct your perseverance and hard work in a direction that produces IMMEDIATE results for you. There is no sense in taking the long hard road when the path of least resistance has been paved for you…
Your grades are worth a lot more than the cost of the book…
Believe it can help and it will.
Believe it can’t help and it won’t because you won’t have bought it and learnt the strategies for success.
Hi Marc,
I agree with you, as there are no mistakes or failures, there are lessons that need to be learned as we go through life experiences. As you stated above IF YOU LEARN THE LESSON – the LESSON OF WHAT DIDN’T WORK THIS TIME! then with persistent and determination we can achieve success.
Great insight!
Rainier M. Pancrazio