Today’s post is a funny diagram that begs the question “How should you study for exams?” In my study book, I explain this in Chapter 8 How to determine what will be on your next exam and Chapter 9 How to ace exams each and every time. Click on the hyperlinks to get your copy of my study book now, otherwise this chart will unfortunately continue to represent the stress of taking exams.
This was sent to me by Andrew Powell in Montreal, Canada. If you come across diagrams, charts or illustrations like these – please send them to me and I’ll make sure everyone knows you sent it to me. Don’t forget that my study book has been sold to thousands of students from all over the world representing 29 different countries!
Hi I just purchased a copy of your book. Put my payment through and it was accepted but realised there was no alloction for an address to be filled in for the delivery. Can you please let me know I do not want to have paid for something I cannot receive.
It’s an e-book, delivered electronically so you can download it instantly after purchase. If you want a physical book, let us know and we’ll send you the special link to purchase one of the few remaining hard copies of the book.
hi dr.
i am in 8th grade and my exams have been predated by one week and its next week.i have bought both your speed reading and speed learning programs and have found it very useful.
could you please give me some good tips so i can do well in my exams.
When you are stuck at the last minute – you need to re-prioritise your to do list – the fastest way to prepare is to ask you teacher what is on the exam – he/she won’t give you the questions, but she will tell you the list of CONTENT. Most students DON’T ASK and therefore are stuck trying to learn EVERYTHING. By asking he/she will give you a shorter list of things you need to focus on – FOCUS on what you don’t know anything or little about – trust that what you already know, will come to you in the exam. Study what you don’t know so you at least have a chance of doing your best. If you think you know all the content, then ask yourself this exponential question “What 3, 4 or 5 questions do I really, really hope are NOT on the exam?” That’s what you need to be studying!
Good luck!
When you are under pressure like this – don’t try to learn a new technique like speed reading – use the strategy to read more quickly, but read as fast as you can comprehend so that you only have to read it ONCE… Don’t try to learn to speed read under pressure – it will come to you with practice – the ONLY people who don’t speed read are the ones who don’t practice…