I bet you’ve just read the title of this article and are thinking that “it’s not possible to get better exam scores in less time!” After all you’ve always struggled, you’ve always been the one who’s had to study so hard just to make “average” grades, right?
However just me pointing out to you that it is possible has peaked your interest yes?
Then stay with me, because I’m going to reveal some very powerful secrets on how you can solve the mystery of how to study smart, with less effort and be more effective.
Others have been through what you are going through. They have developed techniques that work. They also know what doesn’t work. By tapping into these resources you will save yourself a lot of time, effort and possible pain.
The key to success for you is to uncover the success study blueprint that others are successfully using, right now as you read this. Let me give you an example, you wouldn’t ask a computer programmer how to manufacture steel, any more than you’d ask a tennis coach to teach you snooker.
The trick is to understand those who are studying SUCCESSFULLY RIGHT NOW.
How that can be done?
Great question!
You can start by observing your classmates. Find out who is the best student in each of your classes. Ask them what they do to achieve those grades. Chances are they’ll say something vague like “I study hard”. But you need to go deeper, you need to go several layers below the surface of what “I study hard” means, here’s an example of a dialogue with a student to EXTRACT the DISTINCTIONS OF SUCCESS:
You: George, how do you get such good grades even in your weakest subjects?
George: I’m not sure. I just work hard and really put myself into it.
You: Just what does it mean to really put a lot of work into studying?
George: Well ya know I spend a lot of time studying. Don’t you?
You: Yeah I do, but I’m not getting the results I’d like to get. How many hours do you study in a typical week? You seem to study nowhere near as much as I do.
George: Probably around four hours a week. One hour a day on three days between Monday and Friday, and sometimes another hour on the weekend.
You: At what time do you do your homework?
George: I study as soon as I get home. I can’t concentrate after dinner because I get too sleepy. If I have an after-school activity, then I study about an hour after dinner. I go and do a social activity with mates for an hour or so, this relaxes me and helps me to focus more.
You: If you don’t mind, can I ask where you study?
George: Your question is rather coincidental. In the past, I studied in my room because my parents were watching TV and I found it too difficult to concentrate. Now, I just go downstairs to the nice, quiet basement instead.
At this point, you must make sure you’re not “grilling” George. Ask if he minds answering these questions. You should tell him how much you appreciate this information, so he can value his contribution to you.
Don’t assume he knows this.
You: Once you’re sitting at your desk, then what do you do?
George: Before actually doing any work, I decide just what I want to get done. Then I work through all the problems. If the assignment was only even-numbered exercises, I’ll try the odd-numbered ones if I have extra time, and stop once I’m absolutely confident with that form of problem. On average I can get that confident after solving three problems or so. All the work I do is written in ink, so when I’m studying later on I can see my mistakes and the corrections I’ve made.
You: I really appreciate it, George. I think I’ll try some of that stuff tonight. I also wanted to let you know that using pens of different colors seems to help me visualize and recall the notes I take. You should consider trying that. I’ll be in touch with any other suggestions.
It’s important to let other people know you’re genuinely grateful when they’ve given you their time.
The best way to show gratitude, however, will differ from person to person. No matter how, though, you should let them know how much you appreciate them and make sure your gratitude is genuine, or else they may feel taken advantage of.
Your professors and teachers, parents, older siblings, or even your local librarians could serve as excellent resources as well. To find the best match, try to find a mentor that has already accomplished the same goals you’ve set for yourself.
Onward and upward!
Of course the BEST person to ask questions like this is… YOU!
Ask yourself these questions and watch what happens to your results as you start to do ONLY what works for YOU… Enjoy getting better grades with less effort!
I can’t do good at school though, I got bad scores because…
I’m TOO shy – But I really want to change that. The teachers don’t think I work hard – But for loads of tests. Like science, I studied for more than 2 hours with more than 20 papers of studying and WHAT DO I GET? A TERRIBLE SCORE LIKE: (About)
12% – No not really but THAT’S HOW IT FEELS.
I asked my friend, she REALLY confused me though, she said she doesn’t study that often, then she says she studies, THEN she says she doesn’t study AT ALL BUT STILL GETS GOOD SCORES.
She is also like a teachers pet and shows off about her scores when she KNOWS that I got a bad score. EVEN MY BROTHER GETS MORE HIGHER SCORES THAN ME WITHOUT TRYING OR REVISING OR THINKING ABOUT BEING SUCCESSFUL.
I REALLY want to be successful in life, but I know that I will be a failure, if I don’t do good now, god knows where I will be.. 🙁