This blog is all about helping students get better grades. As you will notice, more pages are being added to the blog portion of this study skills site to give you the information and advice you need.
I recently added a new section aimed at parents. It covers what parents can do to help their kids get better grades from primary school to university. Also included are pages on the costs of university degrees and the value of a degree with a special page just for Australian degrees.
It’s important that parents remind their kids that an education is an investment that pays off for a lifetime. All the statistics reflect the need to learn skills that are marketable and valuable to employers or lead to self-employment.
I see it everyday – business people and entrepreneurs who struggle with basic writing skills or are challenged with high school level math problems. It’s painful to see because even though it’s never too late to learn, it’s been shown it’s a lot harder to learn as you get older.
Learn as much as you can, as soon as you can – you’ll not only get the benefit for a longer period of time, it will be easier and faster than any other alternative. No one can go back in time, but we can all think ahead and act accordingly.
Keep an eye on these pages – they will be updated and expanded on an on-going basis.
As a teacher, I am a firm believer in the fact that parents play a HUGE role in their children’s education whether they are willing to cop up to it or not. I love this article, and will consider mailing it out with out monthly newsletter this next term to get the parents all motivated again about helping out their kids.