As you know from my study book, I am a big supporter of identifying a student’s learning style so you learn HOW to learn. If you don’t know what learning styles are, just answer these questions:
- Are you frustrated with your child’s low grades or lack of motivation?
- Is your home life stressful due to homework hassles and poor report cards?
- Have you tried absolutely everything to help your child get higher grades?
- Do you have a bright child who seems to know information, then forgets it during the test?
- Are you truly serious about doing something different to help your child succeed?
If You Answered “YES!” then keep reading to find out how you can help raise your child’s grades just in time for the very next report card…
I promise your situation is not unique. What you also need to know is that your child’s situation is NOT hopeless.
The problem is that children who suffer from learning challenges have been mis-lead with the 4 biggest myths by well-meaning teachers, other parents and even some learning authorities.
Here are the 4 biggest myths about learning that will never get you the results you want:
- The first is that you must teach TO your child’s preferred learning style, because schools who teach TO every child’s learning style produce better results. (This statement is so misleading that a recent article in the Washington Post said the theory of teaching to multiple intelligences was just that – a theory, and not working in the real world at all). More about this later…
- The second is that kids with low grades are lazy and unmotivated and simply do not take tests well.
- The third is kids who cannot sit still and pay attention are most likely to have attention deficit disorders of some kind. ADD or ADHD can very often be something else in disguise.
- The fourth is that some kids who struggle in school simply don’t like to read, or spell, or do math, etc. (This is one of the worst. It’s only when children constantly experience failure that they don’t want to read or do their schoolwork).
The plain truth is, kids love to learn when they are successful.
But sometimes, they just don’t know how to “win the school game” because no one has taken the time to show them “HOW TO LEARN”.
Think about it. Every day, your child is given assignments and told what to learn. This is like a baseball coach giving a player a written test to see if he or she can make the team. No one is showing your child “how to learn”. You can’t just tell a child, “learn this for the test” and then if they don’t do well, blame them.
Wouldn’t you agree that it’s crazy to think you’ll get different results if you keep doing the same thing over and over again?
That’s why you need to do something different… That’s where this learning toolkit comes in.
Click on the hyperlink -> to help your child get better grades in school.
Just a quick suggestion:
If you are advertising a product that is supposed to help students get better grades, and presumably to also help them develop their minds, it would be wise to make sure that, at the very least, your website uses proper English and has correct spelling. (The “realise” in bold is especially eye-catching, and mistakes like that detract from the credibility of your site.)
If you would like a review of your website with suggested changes for improved marketability, I would be happy to do a free review for you. I work for a non-profit marketing firm in Nebraska.
I am based in Australia and that is how it is spelled here, the UK and Canada. Whenever a website is international, as mine is, it’s difficult to choose a syntax system. Thank you for your insight and comment – it’s much appreciated.
I am intrigued by your marketability review. If you do it, I will take your comments on board and create a link back to your site in recognition of your contributions.
Onward and upward!
Dr Marc Dussault
Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort
I hope you are all paying attention! This is how good business relationships are formed. The commenter did not rant, rave and call Marc names. She even offered to assist him at no cost or solicitation of a donation. Marc explained his situation, accepted her offer and offered something back in appreciation. No cost to either party and the possibility of furthering Heidi’s non-profit group through referrals or donations. I wish the whole business world could act so honorably, working together for a win-win situation. You are both great role models.
Since we are on the subject of writing errors: I am no expert, as I am sure Heidi will agree as she reads this post, but I did note that in your first sentence, you meant to type supporter instead of supported. Marc, Thank you for all you offer us. You are much more than just a salesman, you offer support beyond the purchase of your book. Sometimes a helpful website, these blogs and an occasional funny joke or link, just to let us know you are still out there rooting for us.
I actually do have a question! We are about to enter our sixth year of school (11th grade) in which our bright, Ponzie schemer (spelling?) 16 yr old with D’s and F’s refuses to do his homework or projects. He always pulls his grades up with A’s on tests and finals, which rewards this behavior. I have explained to him that life is not tests and he needs to learn to manage work loads and write successfully for his future.
He doesn’t want to do the “unnecessary” grunt work like the rest of us, he wants to scoot in the back door and finish the race with an A-, B or C. Choice of colleges with those grades doesn’t mean much to him. That’s two years away, too far in the future for him to concern himself, even though he knows that 11th grade is important for acceptance and that high school grades can follow you for life (later application to college as an adult).
Yes, there are better choices for his time, like friends etc. and we do ground him etc., but be manipulates us and lies and promises to do better. For a short time he does, but then the rollercoaster ride falls again too fast and by the time we discover that he is playing us, it’s too late. Then he takes a big test and gets an A.
He says he wants us to just let him fail. He says this will force him to take control. Many successful men tell me this is how they were in school, but one day it turned around for them. Is that true? What was your experience. Obviously, given the title of the book, which he refuses to read, you wanted to find a way to play and not do school work. If this is a common issue with young men, is there anything we can do as teachers or parents? Do you have a video somewhere for parents of teens that could get through to them?
By the way, if you aren’t already aware, you should check out the driving academy in Bryn Mawr, PA. Off duty police offers teach, there are video simulations including one you hook up your own car to and the new driver spends a day at a car dealer to learn how to change the oil or tire and do general maintenance on their car.
My son doesn’t even want his license because he doesn’t want to go to a class after school. I hadn’t even been told about the program. But I’ll tell ya, driving school sure has come a long way since 1976. That’s just it, unless it’s interactive video play, kids don’t want to learn things they don’t find interesting.
How could they ever adapt to a work world of desks, cubicles and quiet? My son’s favorite movie, “Office Space”. There’s another topic for you, “How to adapt to the work world, (without all the stimulation of school videos and other mind grabbing teaching tools) and still enjoy your day”.
Our kids need you, Marc! Thanks for listening.
I love “Onward and Upward” it’s inspiring. I take a deep breath and say it to myself feeling stronger and ready for the what’s coming next!
Thank you for your long comment – I will respond via a blog post in the next week or so – I totally understand the issue and challenges you face. There is nothing worse than someone sabotaging their career and then living the rest of their life with regret.
Thank you for sharing and stay tuned for that blog post!
In the meantime, we came up with a strategy. We are no longer going to attempt to monitor him. Therefore, no more lies etc. If he fails, so be it. But just like a job, if you don’t perform, you will get fired!
As a result of some illegal behavior and small money making schemes we uncovered… We are treating school like his first job and his home life like living on his own. You remember that, don’t ya? He will earn Wawa $5 gift cards for each week he does his chores and treats us with respect (he must turn in the used one so we know he isn’t selling it for cash). We had to wait and save to buy all of the good stuff. So he is starting out with no phone, no Xbox, no Sirius radio, etc. If he finishes the first quarter with A or B in all classes, he can buy back an item, (which he says will be his cell phone). However, just like real life, he won’t be able to afford the text messaging or Internet package until he earns it the next quarter. Lower grades, loses an item. Serious issues have a zero tolerance and all earned items will be taken back.
It’s time to get serious with him, to show him that good grades lead to college and a better job to buy the things you want. If it were up to me, (my husband won’t do it), I would start him out in a tent in the back yard! Or strip his room down to prison cell level. It puts it all on him and ends the fighting and constant frustration.
That night he prepared his book binder, gave us a paper to sign from school, which he would never do before, came up with a study schedule plan. I was in shock! I hope he can stick with it and turn his life around before he really is living on the streets!
The problem kids have today is the combination of a sense of entitlement and instant gratification. Society and technology have amplified these to the point of creating a generation that is unwilling to wait for anything. Parents are caught in the cross hairs and those with no discipline and vision give in all too easily. I mean c’mon… What is a 6 year-old doing with a cell phone?!?!?
Why should every kid have an XBox?
I am not advocating a luddite existence devoid of any technology, but ‘back when I was young…” my parents didn’t give us everything – they made sure we earned it.
That’s what your story shows – by removing a spoiled brat’s toys, he/she has to realise it was a PRIVILEGE to have what he/she lost.
I worked and saved for 6 months to pay for my graduation night (limo, tux, etc.)… 6 months of overtime, scrimping and saving as much as I could. That taught me priceless lessons that remain with me today.
The problem with society today is that parents don’t have the strength anymore to combat this trend – kids’ peers and the media are too powerful, persuasive and manipulative. I am not being cynical, but realistic.
Parents are in a no-win situation because by being the bad guys for years on end, the kids won’t see the benefits of that discipline until so much later…
The one thing a parent must never wager or negotiate is love, respect and dignity. A child, no matter how spoiled must never question a parent’s love or intention. That is tough when the brat pushes all your buttons!
That being said, when a parent overcomes the fear of rejection and is committed, any child can be won over – with consistent love and support to make it all worthwhile.
After all what are parents for?!?!?
My sister gets terrible grades and all her teachers call her lazy in her report cards, and it drives me CRAZY because I KNOW she isn’t lazy.
This is a great help. Thanks for posting it.
I also enjoyed the dialogue between you and Renee. Good to know there are others out there going through the same things I am. I find it admirable that you took the time to answer her so fully every time.