I am staging a one-time-only event in Geelong Victoria on Tuesday 1 July from 5 to 7 PM, called Unleash The Genius Within… Click on the hyperlink for more details. Make sure you register for it if you want to get the best grades with the least amount of effort. This is a unique opportunity […]
Tag Archive for 'Effective Study Tips'
Click here to see my first French YouTube video advertising the French version of “Get Better Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort” ebook. “Faites l’envie de vos amis surdoués en obtenant de meilleures notes qu’eux et en travaillant deux fois moins!” Onward and upward! Dr Marc Dussault P.S. If you haven’t seen the English […]
I bet you’ve just read the title of this article and are thinking that “it’s not possible to get better exam scores in less time!” After all you’ve always struggled, you’ve always been the one who’s had to study so hard just to make “average” grades, right? However just me pointing out to you that […]