Today’s post is from Rodney Alexander, an undergraduate accounting student who has a 4.0 GPA which is OUTSTANDING and want to know how my e-book “Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort” can help him have a life beyond the endless hours of study… Here are my suggestions: _______________________________________________ Hello Dr. Dussault, […]
Tag Archive for 'Marc Dussault'
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Omar sent in this question: What can I do every day to really master speed reading? Speed Reading Tip This is quite simple – put aside 20 to 30 minutes EVERY DAY and practice the strategy in my Speed Reading Video Program – Read as FAST as you can, FASTER than you can comprehend. The […]
Listen to this short message from Emil… Sometimes it’s another person’s breakthrough that can spark your own as well as motivate you to take action! _______________________________________________________ I don’t get As but, before I got the book I just got Ds 😥 But after buying your I got a C+ on a math test! The book […]
Today’s post is from a Pastry Chef in Melbourne. “Speed reading is starting to help me especially with concentration and comprehension, I read through the pages of the document about Host Beneficiaries the other night real easy, normally I am not a reader and would not get through it.” “The study book “Get The Best […]
Several people have been asking how many videos there are to help them Get Better Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort… There are TWO and the NEW updated pages have just been launched – click below to see them now. You get this for FREE when you buy by study book…! This […]
Today’s post is simple, but something that can IMMEDIATELY reduce your tendency to procrastinate therefore reducing the stress and pressure you feel about studying or NOT studying when you know you should be. We all procrastinate, but straight A students do it less and therefore get better grades, yes with less effort. I explain the […]
Today’s post is about a shocking statistic I just read in The Economist Magazine, that says that the proportion of 17 year-olds in the US who don’t read anything they don’t have to has DOUBLED between 1984 and 2004! It gets worse… HALF of adults admit not reading even one book, novel, short story, poem […]
Today’s question of the day is from Parry Yap who asked if the BONUS you get with “Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort” is VHS, PAL or DVD format… It’s none of those – it’s streamed directly to your computer. No disks, no tapes required! PLUS IT’S INCLUDED FOR FREE when […]
If you aren’t reading more than 400 to 500 words per minute, I’ll tell you why… First, you need to purchase my Speed Reading Video Program, because what I’m about to say isn’t going to make much sense unless you know the technique of SPEED READING… Once you have purchased it, you’ll understand that the […]
Today’s post is from Max Namgung who asked an excellent question – What’s included in the Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort e-book?… You get all of the following: The powerful, grade-changing eBook electronically delivered to your inbox Access to this blog so you can ask ANY QUESTION you have that […]
My results and those of my ‘students’ speak for themselves. The stuff I write about in my study book works – if your kids are using them all, then they should be getting TOP GRADES already and don’t need a book on how to get the best grades with the least amount of effort. If […]
What can I say, what a year it has been… riding the wildest roller coaster we’ve ever seen! This is a time for reflection, introspection and yes a little bit of self analysis. I highly recommend you write it in your journal so you have your key distinctions, insights and ideas for years to come. […]
Today’s post is from Marian, a mature student going back to you to reinvigorate her career… I went back to school as a mature student TWICE – the first time to complete my MBA and Ph.D., then +/- 10 years later for my Law Degree. Going BACK to school has its challenges – competing with […]
I am including another testimonial from Andrés who lives in beautiful Costa Rica because I think he adds a very personal perspective to the process of Getting Better Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort that will inspire and motivate you. My grades have gone up and are still going up with very little extra […]
Speed Reading is a skill that will help you get better grades with the least amount of effort – GUARANTEED. If you haven’t yet purchased my Speed Reading Video Program, click on the hyperlink and get started right away – Join Nahyan and thousands of others who are well on their way to becoming successful […]
If you’re purchased my Speed Reading Video Program, you’re on your way to doubling your reading speed. Just like driving a car for the first time – you don’t want to go TOO FAST TOO QUICKLY. G’day Marc, I am practicing but I don’t seem to be enjoying the book as much. I am reading […]
Today’s post is about thinking about studying a little more generously – teach someone else to get better grades. As you teach them, you’ll learn what you KNOW even more and you’ll discover what you don’t yet know when they ask you questions. That will help you fill-in-the-blanks more quickly… ________________________________________________________________________ Hi Marc, Actually I […]
Today’s post is a response to a comment from Virginia who purchased my Speed Reading Video Program that guarantees you’ll DOUBLE your reading speed within one hour. She said it would help if I gave her additional distinctions to help her get to the 1,800 words per minute that completely changed my academic career. Just […]