If you’re a mature student considering or have decided to go back to school, my book Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort is a must-have. As a mature student, you are going to find it tough going competing with people half your age! That’s not being negative, it’s a fact. Even […]
Tag Archive for 'Mature Student'
Today’s post is from a Pastry Chef in Melbourne. “Speed reading is starting to help me especially with concentration and comprehension, I read through the pages of the document about Host Beneficiaries the other night real easy, normally I am not a reader and would not get through it.” “The study book “Get The Best […]
Today’s post is from Marian, a mature student going back to you to reinvigorate her career… I went back to school as a mature student TWICE – the first time to complete my MBA and Ph.D., then +/- 10 years later for my Law Degree. Going BACK to school has its challenges – competing with […]