Cramming – Don’t Do It! Time can really get to you when you are trying to study. Many people wait until the last minute and they end up trying to cram all the information in within a few hours. So, this brings up an important issue – DOES CRAMMING ACTUALLY WORK? When people are preparing […]
Tag Archive for 'Study'
Today’s post is courtesy of Jennifer F. who asked the following two questions via e-mail. How long does the system take to complete? Can I share it to other computers in my home once I get it? Thank you. Jennifer F. Question #1: How long does the system take to complete? “Get the BEST GRADES […]
Post a comment and I’ll make some suggestions… Consider it a ‘private tutoring lesson’… A lesson that everyone gets to learn from. Try to be as specific as you can – saying that you have trouble taking exams is not specific, saying that you’re not good at essay exams is better, saying that you run […]
This is going to be fun… If you want to get better grades with the least amount of effort… It’s all explained in my book of that name “Get the BEST grades with the LEAST amount of effort“, go there now and check it out. It’s what this blog is all about – but how […]