Last week I blogged about the value of getting a degree, this week, have a look at the counter-argument… Don’t bother to get a degree! Make sure you scroll all the way down to the end of the page for the “WARNING” if you choose not to get a degree!
Tag Archive for 'Value Of A Degree'
A recent study in the United States revealed that 2007 graduates earned 77% more per hour than those with only a high school diploma. Click on this hyperlink if you want to know the value of a degree. That’s why a small investment in a study book is a great investment. There, I’ve said it. […]
This blog is all about helping students get better grades. As you will notice, more pages are being added to the blog portion of this study skills site to give you the information and advice you need. I recently added a new section aimed at parents. It covers what parents can do to help their […]
Any way you measure it, a college or university degree is the best investment of your life. In today’s dollars, a bachelor’s degree is worth more than $2.1 million over 40 years. “Having that post-secondary diploma can make such a difference in lifetime earnings,” said Washington, D.C.-based Employment Policy Foundation President Ed Potter. Recession Tip: […]