Why business people are buying my student study book

If you’re a high school or college student who hasn’t yet bought my bestselling study book, you’ll be interested to know that business entrepreneurs and executives are buying it to enhance and accelerate their careers. The study habits, tips and skills I teach are universal and make a difference regardless where you are in the academic system or in your career. We are all life-long learners and those who learn faster, get ahead and stay ahead. It’s survival of the swiftest – the fastest learners!

11 Responses to “Why business people are buying my student study book”

  • Hello Dr Marc!!

    I timed my speed reading skills. I currently read 287 words per minute. This is one of the reasons I lose motivation + get bored easily. How long will your speed reading program take, to make me read at 1000 or more words per minute??? Is it possible to achieve 1000 wpm in 1 week? Sorry if this post does not relate to your blog.

    • Hi Peter,
      That’s a good start on your path to improving your reading speed. I am not sure why you say you lose motivation. 287 is not high or low, it’s a starting point. If you want to get to 1,000 words a minute, you have to practice the technique I taught you in the Speed Reading Video Program. The time it takes to get to 1,000 words per minute varies from a few hours to a few days. Some NEVER achieve it because they don’t practice and they simply don’t believe they can do it.

      This is just a technique like any other – once you master it, you will get faster and faster until you reach your limit which should be way past 1,000 words per minute.

      Keep using the technique and let me know how you go – watch the video again, you’re obviously NOT doing something – within 2-3 hours you should be in the 500+ words per minute.

  • Hi, I am a student from Malaysia who has a great interest in your product and so I tried to purchase it.

    However, my purchase was not approved and hence I tried again by using other credit card but the result is still the same that is I am not able to purchase it.

    So could you help me to solve the problem or suggest another alternative for me to purchase it. Thank you.

    • Hi Steven,

      I have asked our customer service department to contact you by email. We accept all credit cards and have many students in Malaysia who purchased the study book and other programs to help students get better grades. We accept PayPal as well as Mastercard, Visa and American Express.

  • Thanks for the reply Dr Marc!

    I am determined to achieve past 1000wpm. Speed reading will be very useful to me and with Uni starting next week I am in a better position! I’ll practice it and let you know!

    Yeah the reason I lose motivation is that when I read slowly, my comprehension reduces. So a lot of back skipping and re-reading occurs. It takes a lot of time and energy.

    With your techniques I hope to finish off my final year with A+’s!

  • One more thing.

    Someone said that getting the better grades study book and speed learning video come together, when you purchase the getting better grades book. Is it true or do I purchase them separately?


  • Hello Marc, I bought your study book hoping it would help prepare me for several test. I took a promotion at work, and I have to go to class and pass all the required test.

    On the third week we have to take a test on all the material that we covered in the first two weeks. If we fail the test we get one more chance to retest ,and if we fail again we are terminated.

    I have looked and read your book and don’t see how it will help me retain what I read. I don’t think I ever learned how to study, I will have a whole lot of information to learn in a short time, can you give me any other types of tips.

    Thank You,

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