Monthly Archive for January, 2010

Want Better Grades? Think Like A Champion

You might not know that I have several blogs. One blog that I want to highlight today is the one called the Mindset Of A Champion. I simply want to ask you to go and check it out because there are a lot of parallels between learning and mastering a sport and getting better grades. […]

Book Report

Book Report: Students at a local school were assigned to read 2 books, ‘Titanic’ and ‘My Life’ by Bill Clinton. One student turned in the following book report, with the proposition that they were nearly identical stories! His cool professor gave him an A+ for this report. Titanic:…. Cost – $29.99 Clinton :….. Cost – […]

Principal Sets Bar High

Without getting on a soapbox about it, I think we can all learn from this example. The only thing I want to say is – why is a school like this the exception rather than the rule? Let me know what you think about your school – the good and bad points.

Get Better Grades Testimonial

You might have taken a look at my study book and considered buying it. If you haven’t bought it yet, listen to David’s experience and ask yourself – if it works for him, why wouldn’t it work for you? Hello Marc I have been reading your e book and have only once listened to your […]

Get Better Grades And Make $82,000 More

The Economist Magazine recently reported that a male university graduate will make $82,000 more in his working lifetime than his non-university graduate peer. This includes the cost of tuition, lost wages while studying as well as extra taxes paid. What this simply means is that it pays to get better grades. But getting better grades […]