Top 10 Affiliate Strategies
This page is for affiliates of my student ‘how to study’ products and programs. Click on the hyperlink to access the page for all the affiliate RESOURCES and PROMOTIONAL TOOLS you need to sell Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort. If you are not yet an affiliate, you can sign up by clicking here -> Study Book Affiliate Program
This page is to help remind you of the most effective ways to promote my book and study programs…
Affiliate Strategy #1: Use my YouTube videos to reinforce the message.
The following are the videos that you can use in emails to link to the video, or if you are using a website or blog, you can embed the video directly on the page.
The following videos are the best ones to use, in the order shown.
Video #1: The Most Common Study Book Questions Answered
Video #2: Speed Learning Video Program Introduction
Video #3: Speed Reading Video Program Introduction
Video #4: Speed Reading Video Program Upgrade
Here are the URLs you can cut and paste into your emails:
Video #1:
Video #2:
Video #3:
Video #4:
Affiliate Strategy #2: Sell my other student products to the buyers of the study book
Don’t forget to sign up to become an affiliate of my other products so you can keep helping students get the best grades with valuable additional information. They are all listed on ClickBank.
Make sure you use your affiliate code in all your emails. ClickBank tracks all sales automatically – even if a student visits the site and doesn’t buy the first time, when they return, you still get the commission. The same is true for all my how to study products for students which you can access by clicking on the hyperlink.
How to Study Product Page For Students
How To MindMap To Get Better Grades
Affiliate Strategy #3: Use Keywords to get more targeted traffic to your site or blog
Knowing the best adwords and phrases that students are searching for will help you get more fully qualified traffic to your blog or website that will want to buy my study book or accelerated learning programs.
Click here -> to turn the best student Adwords into more study book sales
Affiliate Strategy #4: Write a good review and you’ll increase sales
We’ve created a page with some of the many reviews we’ve received. When you create your own review, you’ll see a jump in sales because your readers want to know what you think of the book and/or accelerated learning programs.
A review is not a testimonial, it’s more of an assessment of what is it with an explanation of the benefits you’ve gained. Often it highlights 3 to 5 features and puts them into a context that the reader understands.
Once you create your review, let us know and we’ll add it to our study book review page.
Affiliate Strategy #5: Leverage the hundreds of testimonials we have for the study book and accelerated learning programs
We’ve published two testimonial pages – one on the product site and one on the blog. In total, there are literally HUNDREDS of testimonials and endorsements of our products and programs.
When you take a few minutes to read them, you’ll learn first-hand that this book is changing lives – in all 4 corners of the world. It’s important that you reinforce this with your prospects.
These are in addition to the product page testimonials that can be found here.
Testimonials and success stories work as Belief Builders and Credibility Creators for people who want and need reassurance when purchasing.
Use these links to reinforce the fact that my study book is the #1 product in its category on ClickBank, the #1 marketplace for Information Products on the Internet.
You should extract 2 or 3 testimonials that you think will appeal to your particular list and then include the link to these pages.
Most people will only scan the page, but when they see how long the list is – that’s as good as reading them word-for-word.
I created these study products as a philanthropic project, with the goal of helping as many students as possible. I am humbled by the sheer number of people who respond and that its impact covers the entire world with students from more than 30 countries.
Help me spread the word that anyone, anywhere can get better grades.
Affiliate Strategy #6: A SECRET CODE for “power affiliates”
Communicating with a few of our power affiliates who are making great sales with our Study Book – Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort, they understand that building trust and confidence is important to make the sale.
They wanted to know if it’s possible to link to different pages within the site so that their readers can access the book via different approaches (landing pages).
Well guess what? It is possible.
This is the code you need:
You need to replace the <CODE> with your affiliate code that you got from ClickBank.
Then, you simply choose the URL of the page you want to send them to, in the above example, it’s the testimonials page.
If you wanted to send them to my personal profile, the code would be:
http:// <CODE>
Why is this important?
Because different people buy for different reasons. Some to AVOID FAILING whereas others want to get BETTER GRADES.
Seems like the same thing, but it’s not.
Some people need reassurance so TESTIMONIALS are important whereas others want to know my credentials to make sure I know what I’m talking about.
The reason this is important is because using different approaches could mean up to 20% higher conversions, that’s enough to get any affiliate excited.
So there you have it – more great advice to help you sell more books.
Affiliate Strategy #7: Send More Emails, Get More Sales
All of the suggestions on this page will make a difference to your affiliate sales. The ideal approach is to send multiple emails to your list.
Each one with a different page (URL) as shown in the previous affiliate strategy and you can TEST which one works best for you.
In addition to emails, you blog about the book and link to a page on my site that is RELEVANT to your blog post… That reinforces your email.
It’s been shown that it takes several TOUCH points for people to take action.
We also know that MOST people (more than half) don’t buy on their initial visit. They bookmark the page and come back later to buy.
Yes, as an affiliate you still get the sale BECAUSE ClickBank manages the cookie with the code supplied above.
This is why more than 1 in 3 books are now sold by affiliates. That means YOU!
Affiliate Strategy #8: Test Different Banners
Our the affiliate promotional tools page, we’ve added new banners that you can start testing. They cost hundreds of dollars to create, but are are available for free when you click the hyperlink.
We’ve tested several of the new ones and they do produce better results from 10% to 50% better conversions – depending on the target audience you are aiming to attract.
Go ahead and test them and let us know which one works best for you!
Affiliate Strategy #9: Test Different Components on the product page
I just thought I’d let you know all our multi-variate testing is done and the all-time, best ever sales page is now running on the site, ready to convert your affiliate traffic!
Multi-variate testing simply means we tested a lot of different things and now have the best, winning combination.
As I’ve mentioned in recent emails and broadcasts, quite a few improvements have been made including:
- Publishing hundreds of endorsements, testimonials and comments on a special page, in addition to the sales page testimonials. This helps build credibility and trust.
- Publishing more value-packed blog posts. As you can see, there are more comments and on-going discussions within the comments. This is important for your sales because an engaged community will buy more. You get FULL commission when you register with ClickBank regardless if the person buys on their 1st, 2nd or 3rd visit. In fact, we know that about 60% buy on their 2nd or later visit.
- ·We designed special banners for your blogs, emails and websites. You can find them on the affiliate promo page. The reason this is important is because the CONTEXT of the ad is very important. Matching the ad with the location can mean a lot more or a lot less sales. Do your own testing because it matters.
- ·We supplied a special line of code in a previous strategy on this page to make sure you make the most of your communications with your list. As I’ve explained before, the more you communicate with your list, the more you’ll sell to them. Make sure you direct them to the right page on the site to continue the conversation you’re having. For example, if you’re referring to RESULTS, send them to the About me page with my academic credentials. If you mention other students have produced great results, send them to the testimonials page. If they are harder to convince, suggest they start by reading my blog – you will still get FULL COMMISSION from ClickBank if you use the special line of code shown above.
Affiliate Strategy #10: Reinforce ClickBank’s 8-week money-back guarantee
Founded in 1998, ClickBank® is the online retail outlet for over 10,000 digital product vendors and their 100,000 active affiliates. ClickBank® makes a sale somewhere in the world every three seconds. It serves over 200 countries, and is consistently ranked as one of the most highly trafficked sites on the web.
With an 8-week money-back guarantee, there is no risk for a student. He/she can use that time to test the strategies knowing they can get their money back.
Knowing this is one thing, reinforcing it and mentioning it is another. Make sure this is within your communications at some point. No one likes to take a risk.
Our study book and accelerated learning programs have an exceptionally low refund rate which proves the strategies actually work.
Don’t be scared of letting people know they can get their money back – of course as an affiliate the refund (if it occurs) will be deducted from your commission check, but then again you don’t want any to be disappointed.
We have been selling this book for 20+ years, first as a hard copy version, and now as an electronic ‘system’ – the results speak for themselves.
As the #1 product on ClickBank® in its category – that speaks volumes. Leverage that and you’ll see your sales increase.
Never make the sales sin of assuming your readers KNOW something – they won’t know unless you tell them.
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