This is a new video that I published on YouTube recently. It’s a summary of How To Speed Read which, as a reader of this blog, you know by now is the #1 most important skill you need to acquire to get the best grades with the least amount of effort. It’s incredibly simple and […]
Tag Archive for 'Study Skills'
Today’s ‘question of the day’ comes from Joy in the U.K. Actually, it’s two questions. Many Thanks Dr Marc, This seems like a positive start for me, but I’ve got an important question. I am currently in my penultimate year in the university, studying in the UK. I was just wondering if these study skills […]
Click here to see my first French YouTube video advertising the French version of “Get Better Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort” ebook. “Faites l’envie de vos amis surdoués en obtenant de meilleures notes qu’eux et en travaillant deux fois moins!” Onward and upward! Dr Marc Dussault P.S. If you haven’t seen the English […]
All too often in life, it seems that the times in which we felt most productive were times when we actually had the least amount of time to spend. What do I mean? Think about that looming deadline set by your boss or that all-too-rapidly approaching final exam. Do you find yourself not doing the […]
This is going to be fun… If you want to get better grades with the least amount of effort… It’s all explained in my book of that name “Get the BEST grades with the LEAST amount of effort“, go there now and check it out. It’s what this blog is all about – but how […]