These are great study tips to help you get the best grades with the least amount of effort.
Archive for the 'Study Habits' Category
We all need to learn new things, for students they’re subjects in school and after graduation they’re concepts and constructs necessary for career development and progression. The previous post is a collection of strategies you need to review to complement the Feynman Technique explained below. The medical profession has a great motto for this technique: […]
In the video below, The Economist Magazine covers how technology could transform education post the COVID pandemic. It will be interesting to see what sticks versus what falls by the wayside. One of the challenges every student has is to optimise how to best study whether at home or back in school. There are proven […]
This video explains why Danica McKellar wrote her book “Math doesn’t suck”. I am now going to investigate her other books to determine if they can help people who struggle with math. Thank you Andrew Powell for sharing!
Each is best suited to different purposes, and neither is superior. By Daniel T. Willingham, a psychologist at the University of Virginia. A few years ago, when people heard I was a reading researcher, they might ask about their child’s dyslexia or how to get their teenager to read more. But today the question I […]
Students watching other students study is this the new viral trend? Post comments below!
Ever heard of TED Talks ? TED Talks is devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (maximum of 18 minutes) on various topics. There are near 1500 videos on their website. Whenever you need inspiration, motivation or just to look at something interesting or different, select one amongst the various subjects and spend some […]
Think you’re good with Math? Try this math quiz that has baffled the Internet! Respond by placing a comment below.
I know some people think I am “old school” when it comes to taking notes with pen and paper, after all, it’s 2015… But all I care about is – RESULTS. A recent article extols the benefits of taking notes with pen and paper and NOT on your laptop or tablet. I admit, I am […]
I’ve blogged about this before numerous times… Even though I am a fan of new technologies, there is a time and place for everything – just like smartphones. Don’t just listen to me – read this brief article summarising the findings of a research study by the London School Of Economics that included 130,000 students […]
This blog focuses on the general theme of getting the best grades with the least amount of effort. One of the most frequent questions is how you can increase your vocabulary and improve sentence structure … especially in a second language. 1. Read a variety of books, magazines, articles, newspapers & stories. Feed your brain, […]
As a reader or subscriber to this blog, you’ll want to have a quick look at my goal setting program I call “My Best Year Ever” – it will help turn your 2015 New Year’s Resolutions into reality, to create your best year ever.
Today’s youth seems to be struggling with the secondary effects of technology in and out of school. A recent Harvard Study that led to an intriguing book (The App Generation) explains the perils and pitfalls of apps that can do just about everything.* Their argument, and I happen to totally agree with it, is that […]
Today’s post is edited from The Economist Magazine, it deals with a hot topic of conversation amongst parents and students. In 1693 the philosopher John Locke warned that children should not be given too much “unwholesome fruit” to eat. Three centuries later, misguided ideas about child-rearing are still rife. Many parents fret that their offspring […]
The weakest ink is stronger that the strongest memory. As The Exponential Growth Strategist, I present to audiences around the world. I reveal the most powerful and valuable insights for people who want to achieve extra-ordinary results. People pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to hear me speak and deliver my content. Content I have […]
“The more that you read,The more things you will know.The more that you learn,The more places you’ll go.”
I have blogged about using a floatation tank to improve your grades… A recent study further supports the view that meditation can improve your grades. If this is all too zen for you, that’s OK, enjoy the stress and strain of doing it ‘your way’ and let me know how that works out for you! […]
Chelsea Wilson, the Community Relations Manager for Washington University School of Law’s Online LLM program, informed me that @WashULaw recently created a new study aid in the form of a Spotify Playlist composed of late baroque era classical music. The playlist was created based on a Stanford study that discovered music engages the areas of […]