Today’s post is a funny diagram that begs the question “How should you study for exams?” In my study book, I explain this in Chapter 8 How to determine what will be on your next exam and Chapter 9 How to ace exams each and every time. Click on the hyperlinks to get your copy […]
Tag Archive for 'Exams'
I am including another testimonial from Andrés who lives in beautiful Costa Rica because I think he adds a very personal perspective to the process of Getting Better Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort that will inspire and motivate you. My grades have gone up and are still going up with very little extra […]
We’ve all been through times in our lives when we’ve studied and studied for an exam and still bombed out, due to nerves, distractions or some other reason right? Maybe you’re dreaming of becoming a respected academic, but history and human nature dictate that you will still make mistakes on your way to that dream. […]
All too often in life, it seems that the times in which we felt most productive were times when we actually had the least amount of time to spend. What do I mean? Think about that looming deadline set by your boss or that all-too-rapidly approaching final exam. Do you find yourself not doing the […]
Today’s post is courtesy of Jennifer F. who asked the following two questions via e-mail. How long does the system take to complete? Can I share it to other computers in my home once I get it? Thank you. Jennifer F. Question #1: How long does the system take to complete? “Get the BEST GRADES […]
Post a comment and I’ll make some suggestions… Consider it a ‘private tutoring lesson’… A lesson that everyone gets to learn from. Try to be as specific as you can – saying that you have trouble taking exams is not specific, saying that you’re not good at essay exams is better, saying that you run […]