Today’s Post is from D.R. DeSilva. He wants a few clarifications on test taking tips. Dear Sir, I read the Get the best grades with the least amount of effort book and it was really cool. So first up I Have Two questions to ask; When you are studying, you mentioned taking notes for every […]
Monthly Archive for February, 2011
If you’re a high school or college student who hasn’t yet bought my bestselling study book, you’ll be interested to know that business entrepreneurs and executives are buying it to enhance and accelerate their careers. The study habits, tips and skills I teach are universal and make a difference regardless where you are in the […]
This blog is all about helping you get better grades with the least amount of effort. One of our sponsors is I thought I would introduce you to them, just in case you’d like to access up-to-date information for Australian students, in one convenient location. What is Studyfinder? Some of the biggest key issues […]
If you are studying for your SAT, LSAT or GMAT, here is the best advice I can give you. Step #1: Buy all the preparation material from the original standardized testing service / organisation. They want you to succeed and are going to be straight with you. Read it all and FOLLOW the recommendations. They […]