Karen e-mailed me overnight asking if she could buy my book “Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort” for her son who is away at boarding school — What a GREAT IDEA! Giving a student you know the gift of better grades!
All you need to do is put THEIR NAME and E-MAIL in the verification messages and they will get it all sent to them electronically – INSTANTLY! So make sure you tell them it’s on its way!
I know that I have many people support me as a student when I was in school.
Think of someone you want to help get better grades and make their day/semester!
My book is priced at a fraction of the cost of a textbook and will transform any student from average to the top of the class within one, maybe two semesters.
Give the gift of better grades to that struggling student you know – a friend, classmate, son, daughter, nephew, niece, cousin… They will be forever grateful!
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