I’ve created this hard copy of the first 3 years of published content (2008-2010) in a practical format – a hard copy book!
Why a book? Because it’s easier to read when you’re at the beach, poolside, in bed or at the airport waiting to board your flight.
Don’t get me wrong, blogs are great – but when you want to read, take notes and flip through multiple pages and chapters, nothing beats a physical book.
This blog book has over 312 pages of priceless study tips, tricks and techniques including 576 individual links you can access online.
With more than 78 videos, you’ll be able to get a visual experience beyond the printed page – in fact, you’ll be able to access the exact blog post to view it instantly the next time you’re online.
Best of all, there are 7 pages of indexed references for additional quick and easy access. Of course you can always do a search while on the blog!
A blog book is the best of both worlds and it makes for a fabulous reference in your home library.
As you know by now, when you activate more modalities (visual, kinaesthetic and auditory), you improve your comprehension, retention and recall.
I sequenced the book in chronological order starting with the first, oldest post to help you to experience the progression and evolution of the blog over the full 3 years of publishing. Even I have to admit it’s an impressive collection of content when assembled into one convenient hard copy book.
Oh! One more thing – I’ve included every single blog post so there is nothing missing. I originally considered removing time dependent event, product and program related posts, but chose to leave them in. They are part of the blogging experience that I am sure you will enjoy (re)living!
This is a unique collection of Exponential Mindset Thinking™ tips, tools and techniques designed to unleash the genius within you by leveraging the world’s best accelerate learning and speed reading strategies.
To get your copy of this great business growth resource, contact us directly – this is a limited edition product.
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