You’re in school to learn HOW to learn.
I am pretty sure it was Albert Einstein said it best when he said “Education is what you remember after you’re forgotten everything”.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t study to get As or High Distinctions.
It just means that if you adopt a ‘bigger picture’ of why you’re there, you’ll enjoy the process a lot more, find it easier and you will achieve better grades.
I had a professor of strategy in my MBA program who, once I had been accepted into the Ph.D. Program asked me “are you enjoying the Ph.D. Program as much as your MBA?”
My automatic response (at the time) was “No”.
He said “I know why.”
Of course I pushed him for the revelation (that changed my academic career forever)…
He explained “When you did your MBA, you knew, when you started exactly when you would finish (my program was a 2-year Executive MBA with a pre-set schedule). With a Ph.D. Program, it’s an individual pursuit with a beginning, but no pre-set end. In fact most students never finish/graduate. That’s why you are not enjoying it as much as you should/could. There is no ‘timeline’ to it.”
I couldn’t believe how true that was. From THAT DAY ONWARD, I cherished every single day I was a Ph.D. student, or a student of Law, or a student of company governance or student of squash.
I know that if you’re in grade school or high school this may be reaching a little beyond your current consciousness, but TRUST the process and TRUST that you need to ENJOY the journey to make it as successful as it can be for you.
Give it some thought and don’t rush to a conclusion.
Onward and upward!
Dr Marc Dussault
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