Today’s post is about thinking about studying a little more generously – teach someone else to get better grades. As you teach them, you’ll learn what you KNOW even more and you’ll discover what you don’t yet know when they ask you questions.
That will help you fill-in-the-blanks more quickly…
Hi Marc,
Actually I bought this book for my kids who are aged 10 and 6. I will read
and try to teach the tips provided in the book to my children.
Thank you for giving directions. I will need some more support later on.
Pankaj Bharambe
Pick ONE strategy, idea or concept to start off with and see how you go.
Onward and upward!
Dr Marc Dussault
Of course if your new ‘students’ ask you a question you don’t have an answer to, you can always post it on the blog as a comment and I will answer it for you!
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