Archive for the 'Memory Skills' Category

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Sleep Reading Take 2

I recently posted a funny blog post on sleep reading. This is a follow up to that… I couldn’t resist. I don’t want this blog to just be serious, I want you to have fun improving your grades, otherwise what’s the point?!?!

Floatation Tank Helps Improve Grades

If you’re really keen to tap into the limitless potential of your unconscious mind, you’re going to want to have session in a floatation tank. In this day and age of constant interruptions, time slicing and multi-tasking, research reflects it’s having an effect on our ability for deep thinking. The changing nature of work, study […]

Why most students struggle in school

Simply stated, most students struggle in school because they don’t know how they learn, In Chapter 1 of my worldwide bestselling study book, I explain step-by-step how you can determine what learning style you have so you can stop wasting countless hours staring at your books, frustrated because nothing’s making sense and you can’t remember […]

Being smart can make you stupid

A parent recently bought my study book for her 15 year old son. Despite his high IQ 120 (which actually could be as high as 143) he struggles with being “ADD non hyperactive”. She explains that it rears its head in the typical way, lack of focus, organisation, etc. His weakest areas are working memory, […]

Great Study Tips Site

Even though there are countless great sites on the Internet, often it’s hard to find them. That’s why, as an Exponential Growth Strategist, I come into contact with thousands of people every year and many of them forward interesting and useful links, sites and blogs that are valuable and worthy of bookmarking. The Khan Academy […]

Use Colours To Improve Memory Retention, Comprehension And Understanding

When we first learn something, information is processed by the brain to form a neural trace which first enters your sensory memory and then, if you’re paying attention, enters your Short Term Memory (STM). If you keep working to process the information and adapt it correctly, it then moves to your Long Term Memory (LTM). […]

From Doodling To MindMapping

Today’s blog post contribution is from Paul Telling, a professional artist and MindMapping expert. I asked him to share his insights and ideas about MindMapping to help you get better grades in school. This is the first in a series we’ll be publishing on this blog it’s in support of a new program we just […]

How Observant Are You?

To get better grades in school, you need to be observant which means your power of focus and attention to detail need to be fined tuned. I came across these photos on the Internet and thought it a great way for you to test how many differences you can spot between the two photos. Leave […]

Struggling With Your English Course?

Chances are if you’re in high school, struggling with your English courses – it’s at least partially because you’re TEXTING and TWEETING too much. A recent study reported that British teens were using approximate 800 words a day, significantly less than the 40,000 words a typical 16-year-old should have at his or her command. Here’s […]

MindMapping To Get Better Grades

David Fisher, bought my study book and is applying the study tips to get better grades. One of the questions he had was about MindMapping to take better notes. A friend of mine is a gifted artist who created a 2 minute 44 second long YouTube video that begins the explanation about MindMapping which you […]

Get Better Grades Testimonial

You might have taken a look at my study book and considered buying it. If you haven’t bought it yet, listen to David’s experience and ask yourself – if it works for him, why wouldn’t it work for you? Hello Marc I have been reading your e book and have only once listened to your […]

Get Better Grades And Make $82,000 More

The Economist Magazine recently reported that a male university graduate will make $82,000 more in his working lifetime than his non-university graduate peer. This includes the cost of tuition, lost wages while studying as well as extra taxes paid. What this simply means is that it pays to get better grades. But getting better grades […]

How To Study Less

Today’s post is from Rodney Alexander, an undergraduate accounting student who has a 4.0 GPA which is OUTSTANDING and want to know how my e-book “Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort” can help him have a life beyond the endless hours of study… Here are my suggestions: _______________________________________________ Hello Dr. Dussault, […]

Stop Subvocalising To Speed Read

If you aren’t reading more than 400 to 500 words per minute, I’ll tell you why… First, you need to purchase my Speed Reading Video Program, because what I’m about to say isn’t going to make much sense unless you know the technique of SPEED READING… Once you have purchased it, you’ll understand that the […]

What’s included in the eBook?

Today’s post is from Max Namgung who asked an excellent question – What’s included in the Get The Best Grades With The Least Amount Of Effort e-book?… You get all of the following: The powerful, grade-changing eBook electronically delivered to your inbox Access to this blog so you can ask ANY QUESTION you have that […]

Does Cramming Work?

Cramming – Don’t Do It! Time can really get to you when you are trying to study. Many people wait until the last minute and they end up trying to cram all the information in within a few hours. So, this brings up an important issue – DOES CRAMMING ACTUALLY WORK? When people are preparing […]

Study Tips Revealed

Today’s post is a series of questions from Virginia Buratto. You say “use coloured pens” (by the way almost everyone knows this technique) but you don’t say if one should read a text first and then highlight it or if he should highlight straight away or if it is better to read the whole book […]

How To Write Down And Remember Everything Your Teacher Says

Are you tired of constantly taking notes and still not remembering everything your teacher says? If so, you’ll be happy to know I’ve put together some informative techniques for you.  Once you start using these methods, remembering will become much easier for those difficult tests ahead. Ready? Successful Study Skill #1: Use Coloured Pens and […]